Mons Dei in Sweden : two Cistercian manuscripts Schmid, Toni Fornvännen 109-116 Ingår i: Smärre meddelanden 109 cellens tidsställning bättre fixeras (fig. 1). Den har långsträckt triangulär form med breda inåtböjda läppar. Längden är 7,5 cm, läppens bredd 3 cm. Bygelns bredd är i cm. Pincettens nedre del är från en punkt omedelbart ovanför mittpartiet något utsvängd. Läppen har svagt böjd kontur. Båda sidorna bär en punsad ornering av tre, pä nägra ställen två, kantlöljande linjer omgivna av tvä punktrader, vilka nedtill viker av in mot bladet och avslutas i en uppåtböjd kurva. Dekoren är liksom hela pincetten mycket valhänt utformad. Skevheterna i formen iir iögonfallande, kantlinjerna är ojämna, punkterna placerade med ojämna avstånd och i en lätt vindlande rad. Dekoren i sig medger ingen precisare datering. Enkel punkt- och linjeornering förekommer vanligast pä rakknivar och pincetter från bronsålderns IV:e och V:e perioder och kantlinjernas avslutande inböjning ger ingen närmare upplysning om vart pincetten skall hänföras. En viss dateringsmöjlighet erbjuder dock formen. Pincetten bär en otvetydig provinsiell prägel men förebilder kan dock spåras i breda, nedtill något utsvängda pincetter frän per. V. 6 Ehuru hällpunkterna sålunda är svaga synes en datering till denna period mest sannolik. Att den typiska, rikt böljande per. V-ornamentiken saknas pä Ingaröpincetten kan ha sin grund i tillverkarens i alla avseenden dokumenterade bristande hantverksskicklighet, som ej medgivit återgivandet av cn sä komplicerad dekor. Stig Rydh Summary The author presents a grave find from Ingarö parish east of Stockholm. In the southern and south-eastern parts of a damaged stone setting various concentrations of burnt bones, pottery and bronze objects were found. These different concentratlons probably represent parts of a damaged cremation grave whieh through the tweezer in Fig. 1 can be dated to the fifth period of the Bronze Age. The find is the first Bronze Age find to be made in the parish. Mons Dei in Sweden Two Cistercian manuscripts There is a large quantity of medieval book-leaves extant in Sweden. Once these belonged to books kept in the libraries of Swedish monasteries, Swedish cathedrals, and Swedish parish churches. After the Reformation they were confiscated, sometimes being bought by the state and used as covers for accounts. These covers usually consist of 1-8 leaves, depending 011 the size of the book in question. About 30,000-^40,000 of these covers, probably more, exist. Most of them are still used as covers, but a number have been rescued because of their extreme value, and stored separately. " H. C. Broholm, Danmarks Bronzealder, 3, Köbenhavn 1946, s. 99, fig. 2 och 5. &j&atl*fm*mam mo (iicomf^m cg ilWm ci itittntci.iv 0 ö u o s pe& nere m^r iH^.nS^lV $i«ia tua mamfeftii xe fe xancfm ^ larné^» CoCL i jfcy cn £ U o W ftpuof etam g m m r l - p o n t i f i a f ^ T tlpb 6ocmf.7fi me«nu kfttC i ttttflftgcftam ( W t T £ ^ a u d i dé cmttwmcm tum di öcpaÄ, Shitcrr K a n t o i £ ^ c m i minfil • * * % - ^ | cmö*m (fövjpaociirmn^mm^ Fig. 2. Sequemionariimi 37. "Ländes crucis (cruscis!) altollaiims." 114 Smärre meddelanden Gråtes n u n c omnes Natus a n t e secula secpi. (de S t e p h a n o pr.) H a n e concordi famulatu sequ. (de Johaniie evg.) J o h a n n e s J. Chr. m u l t o dilecte sequ. (in E p i p h a n i a d o m i n i ) E p i p h a n i a m d o m i n o canamus sequ. (in conv. Pauli) Dixit d o m i n u s ex basan secpi. (in festo pasche) Victime paschali secpi. (de invent. crucis) Laudes crucis attollamus secpi. (iu ascens. d o m i n i ) R e x o m n i p o t e n s die b o d i e r n a Q u e m qucritis sequ. (in inv. crucis) Salve crux arbor vite preclara sequ. (in inv. crucis) Laudes crucis attollamus secpi. (de spiritu sancto) Sancti spiritus assit nobis Scptiformis consolator lit.: Ardna spes m u n d i secpi. (de Maria Magdalena) Laus tibi Christe epii es sequ. (de Olavo r.m.) L u x illuxit l e t a b u n d a sequ. (de d o m i n a ) Salus eterna indeliciens sequ. (de d o m i n a ) Ave virgo singularis m ä t e r nostri sequ. (de d o m i n a ) Ave m u n d i spes Kyrie (tropus) C u n c t i p o t e n s genitor deus T h e lists give us a large part of the year's liturgy. T o begin with the breviary: Speusippus a n d his c o m p a n i o n s are n o t found in Sweden in låter times. T h e other saints are common enough. Speusippus and his conipanions do, however, occur in older Scandinavian sourecs. 2 T h e hymn " J a m surgit hora tercia", composed hv Ambrosius, is k n o w n in Sweden from laler times. 3 As to the songs in the s e q u e n t i o n a r i u m a large p r o p o r t i o n of them appears iu låter Swedish sources as well as in many o t h e r sources. But some d o not. T h e Kyrie-tropus " S u m m e deus p a t e r " is k n o w n from the Salisbury missal and from a prosarium Aniciense 1552. 4 T h e kyrie tropus " C u n c t i p o t e n s genitor d e u s " is known to have been s u n g in Limoges. 5 T h e litany " A r d u a spes m u n d i " , is q u i t e u n k n o w n in låter times in Sweden. So a p p a r e n t l y are the sequenlia " N a t o c a n u n t o m n i a " (an ancient Christinas song k n o w n from Cluny a n d Saint Martial. - Ct. J. Fr. Schroeter, Haandhog i kronologi, IL 1926, O. Kolsrud, Nordiske kalenderdagnavn i middelalderen, 40. * Cf. C.-A. Moberg, Die Lilurgischen Hymnen in Schweden, I. 1947, 8, 295, 299 a, 403. 1 In Swedish sources "Letabundus cxultet", "Hane concordi famulatu", "Laus tibi Christe qui cs", "Lus illuxit letabunda", Epiphaniam domino canamus", "Dixit dominus ex basan", "Gråtes mme omnes", "Victime paschali", "Laudes crucis attollamus", "Rex omnipotens die bodierna", "Sancti spiritus assit", "Salve crux arbor" are known. Cf. C.-A. Moberg, " ( b e r die Schwedischen Sequenzen", Veröffentlichungcn der Gregorianisehen Akademi) :u Freiburg iu der Schweiz XIII, I. 1927, 40 ff. •• Cf. Analecta hymnica 7, 42, 49, 50, 52, 53, 54. — Ct. J. Szövértty, Die Annalen der lateinischen IIsmueudichlung, I. 1964, 291, 303, 314. 36g, 372, 409, 414, 416. II. 107, 161, 301. Smärre meddelanden 115 1 imoges), a n o t h e r Christinas song " N a t u s ante secula", composed by N o t k e r Balbulus of St. Gallen, which in Seandinavia is k n o w n from L u n d . 8 Equally u n known in Sweden seem to be the sequentia "Salus eterna indeficiens", the sequentia "Ave virgo singularis", a n d the sequentia "Ave m u n d i spes Maria". 7 Known from Swedish sources is the " Q u e m queritis", here represented in its abortest form. Sweden has been acquaintecl with this play in at least two forms, the short one as here, and a longer one, where the two apostles (Peter a n d J o h n ) appear. 8 T h e short version we meet as late as in the Breviarium Lincopense '/'IA Of exceptional interest in o u r s e q u e n t i o n a r i u m is, ot course, a text seemingly not k n o w n anywhere else, a sequentia in h o n o u r of the Holy Ghost. U u f o r t u n a t e l y only the first p a r t of the text has been found u p to now: Septiformis consolator spiritalis uite d a t o r Veni sanete spiritus. R o r c clulci flatu leni femte n i u o mentes ueni i r / r / i g a r e celitus. Jgnis feruens set fecundans ct t u o r u m c o r / 9 O u r m a n u s c r i p t , sequ. 37, gives the text together with the melody. T h e melody is the same as the melody of the sequentia " H o d i e r n e lux cliei". W e may safely assume that the sequentia " H o d i e r n e lux cliei", was also once contained in o u r s e q u e n t i o n a r i u m . It is a song, in h o n o u r of the Holy Virgin, of French origin. 1 " It is widely spread. T h e monastery Möns Dei o r Gudsberga in Dalarna is a fairly late foundation. It was founded in 148(1." O u r two books are m u c h older a n d consequently cannot have been written there. W h e r e did they come Ironi? Gudsberga was a " d a u g h t e r " of Alvastra in Östergötland. Alvastra, or Alvastrum according to medieval orthography, was the oldest Cistercian foundation in Sweden, founded by king Sverker 1 a n d bis q u e e n Ulvild. T h e q u e e n asked • Missalt Lundense /;/./. (Facsimilccdition wilh poslscript and register by Bengt .Strömberg, 1946.) 7 Cf. Analecta hymnica 54. Ci. J. Szövérffy, Die Annalen der lateinischen Hymnendichtung, 19(14. I. 416. s Cf, T. Schmid. "Das Oslerspiel in Schweden", Kyrkohistorisk årsskrift 1952, 1 ff. — Cf. K. Young. The Drama of the Medieval Church, 1933. 315-16. — Cf. A. Kjellén, "Några undersökningar rörande det liturgiska dramat i Sverige", Samlaren 1926, 1 ff. ' Kubrica: de spiritu sancto. — "irrigare" — T h e melody can be compared with the melody ot "Hodieme lux cliei", Graduale Arosiense impressum, cd. T. Schmid, 19;,<| ii;,. 410. '" Cf. C.-A. Moberg. Sequenzen I, 46-47. Ct. E. Ortved. Cislercierordenen og dens klostre i Norden, II. 1933, 316 ft. — T h e first abbot was Staffan. In 1544 Gustaf Vasa confiscated the silver and other treasures still left in the monastery; l.c 11 116 Smärre meddelanden B e r n a r d of Clairvaux to send monks. Probably 1143 was the year of the foundation. 1 2 I n d u e time monks from Alvastra came to Gudsberga. May we concluele that these monks b r o u g h t the books with them? T h o u g h n o t certain, it would seem p r o b a b l e . T h e books represent a tradition n o t k e p t u p by the Swedish dioceses of låter times. Beside the well-known old masters N o t k e r Balbulus, Gottskalk (Limburg) a n d A d a m de Sancto Victore, a n d W i p o , we find an influence from ClunyLimoges. Publication of the two books 1 3 is highly desirablc. A n edition has been p l a n n e d a n d p r e p a r e d . It will be issued as soon as p u b l i c interest provides the necessary l u n d s . Toni Schmid A further die-link in the Scandinavian imitative series That C n u t coins of yEthelrascrs L o n g Cross a n d Last Small Cross types belong to the English series is a misconception t h a t appears to die very b a r d indeed, and this despite Mr. C. S. S. Lyon's meticulous work o n the more "Englishlooking" of the piéces, work that has been as truly p i o n e e r as painstaking a n d illuminating. It is to this English a m a t e u r t h a t m u s t go the greatest p a r t of the credit for baving d e m o n s t r a t e d q u i t e conclusively a non-English origin for virtually all the coins in question, while the degree a n d p a t t e r n of die-linking which he has established as characteristic of the series as a whole is o n e that may be t h o u g h t q u i t e revealingly intricate. 1 T h e s t u d e n t is left feeling, indeed. that research along these lines, if c o n t i n u e d a n d intensified, should rcsult in an early association of m a n y individual coins w i t h p a r t i c u l a r Scandinavian centres of coin-produetion, and it will be surprising if L u n d especally does not emcrge as one of the more critical as well as prolific of these mints. T h e p u r p o s e ol this present n o t e is merely to emphasise just how tightly k n i t together are groups of coins with the most disparate types a n d "mint-signatures". Deliberately the L.c. 53 ft. — According to the Exordium magnum (Tissier Bibliotheca Patrum Cisterc?, 1660, 158) Saint Bernard had sent monks to the new foundation in Sweden, and provided them among other things with books needed for divine service, also with bread blcsscel by himself. This scems to have been a custom. 13 Breviarium: size: 16.6x12, and 20.2x15.6 cm respectively. Colours used: red, green, blue. Sequentionarium: size: 17.6 x 14.4, and 22 x 18.2 cm respeclivcly. Colours used: red, blue, vel low. 1 C. S. S. Lyon, G. van der Meer & R. H. M. Dolley, "Some Scandinavian Coins in tlie names ot ,-Ethelra-(l, Cnut and Harthacnut attributed by Hildebrand to English Minis". British Numismatic Journal XXX, ii (1961), pp. 235-251—as regards the syslematic research put into this paper the pun "the lion's share" would be at once pardonable and appropriate. 12