"Älgmannen" från Birka : presentation av en nyligen undersökt krigargrav med människooffer Holmquist, Lena Fornvännen 85, 175-182 http://kulturarvsdata.se/raa/fornvannen/html/1990_175 Ingår i: samla.raa.se "Älgmannen" från Birka. Presentation av en nyligen undersökt krigargrav med människooffer Av Lena Holmquist Olausson Holmquist Olausson, L. 1990. "Älgmannen" från Birka. Presentation av en nyligen undersökt krigargrav med människooffer. (The "Elkman" from Birka—a recently excavated warrior's grave with a human sacrifice.) Fornvännen 85, Stockholm. Excavations in 1988 in the Black Earth of Birka close to the northern part of the town wall revealed a double inhumation burial beneath the Viking-age culture layer. The grave contained the skeletons of two men, the older being armed with a shield, a spear and arrows. Close to his head lay an dk antler. Beside, and partly on top of, him lay a younger man, with no equipment, in an unnatural position and the head separated from the body. The grave is dated to the Vendel-period. The author interprets the grave as a burial of a warrior and his sacrificed slave. Human sacrifices are not previously known in lhe gravematerial from Birka, but there is evidence of this practice in a small number of Scandinavian Late Iron Age graves. l