The aim of the project: This report on the situation of urban archaeology in Trosa is written as part of the project The Medieval Town: Implications of Early Urbanization for Modem Planning, under the auspices of Riksantikvarieämbetet and Statens historiska museer. The aim of the project is to make a detailed survey and documentation of the situation of urban archaeology and its implications for physical planning and make a scholarly evaluation of the uncovered material. The project deals mainly with those places which obtained town rights in the formal legal sense during the Middle Ages.
The arrangement of the report: Chapter 1 gives an account of a number of data which in various ways are important for the early development of the town. The information is collected from available literature (mainly as regards documentary material) as well as from primary material in the archives. As there is no archaeological material from Trosa, this report has been arranged differently from the others. Chapter 2 contains a short summary of the present stand of research concerning medieval Trosa instead of the customary report on archaeological material and other primary sources. […]